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Title: Current problems in communicative development of children with special educational needs: ukrainian and european scientific contexts
Authors: Bilavych, Halyna V.
Blagun, Nataliia M.
Fizeshi, Oktaviia J.
Фшзеші, Октавія Йосипівна
Dovbenko, Svitlana J.
Shapoval, Olena M.
Fedchyshyn, Nadiya O.
Savchuk, Borys P.
Keywords: communicative development
preschool children
special educational needs
general underdevelopment of speech
speech therapy
speech defects
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Poland
Abstract: The aim is to analyze the current problems in communicative development of children with special educational needs. The research used a number of scientific methods: general scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization), historical, specific research, comparative-historical, and others, which ensured the selection and analysis of the source base, made it possible to determine the general trends in the study of the problem of the communicative development of the child, the achievements of Ukrainian and foreign scientists in the field of research on the language of children with special educational needs, to distinguish the common and the different in the scientific research of scientists. Updated studies of scientists from Ukraine, Poland, Sweden, Britain and other countries testify that communication skills are key in the language development of a preschool child, they form the basis without which the child's further education, socialization, etc. are impossible. Meanwhile, there is no unity among scientists in their views on the nature of language disorders and their classification. The contribution of domestic and foreign authors to the study of the communicative development of a child with speech difficulties is singled out.
Description: Bilavych Halyna V. Current problems in communicative development of children with special educational needs: ukrainian and european scientific contexts / Bilavych Halyna V., Blagun Nataliia M., Fizeshi Oktaviia J., Dovbenko Svitlana J., Shapoval Olena M., Fedchyshyn Nadiya O., Savchuk Borys P. // Wiadomosci Lekarskie : official journal of the Polish Medical Association / ed. in-chief Pierzchata W. - Poland, 2023. - Vol.LXXVІ, Issue 8. - P.1838-1844.
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/10316
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