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Titel: Inclusive education: approaches and methods of working with children with special needs
Autoren: Chekan, Oksana
Чекан, Оксана Іванівна
Liubchenko, Inna
Barna, Khrystyna
Барна, Христина Василівна
Haiash, Oksana
Popovych, Nadiia
Попович, Надія Ференцівна
Stichwörter: education for sustainable development
inclusive education
inclusive ESD
overcoming complexity
Erscheinungsdatum: 2023
Zusammenfassung: The present academic paper explores the scientific views collected on the contribution and benefits of an inclusive approach to education for sustainable development in educational institutions for every schoolchild or student. Currently, inclusion is the best way to ensure access to quality education since the student is at the centre of attention in this case. The basis of inclusion is that individual differences and the resulting differentiation of children contain a set of opportunities and resources that everyone can benefit from. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure equal and joint participation at educational institutions of all levels. However, there are still obstacles to overcome in this pedagogical field of activity. The academic paper shows that inclusion within the framework of education for sustainable development is intended to combat and counteract disadvantageous education, segregation and discrimination.
Beschreibung: Inclusive Education: approaches and methods of working with children with special needs / O. Chekan, О. Haiash, I. Liubchenko, B. Khrystyna, N. Popovych // Brazilian Journal of Education, Technology and Societ . - v.16, Jul-Sep, n.3. 2023. - Р. 639-647
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