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Title: The impact of project-based formation of students' communicative competence
Authors: Hertsovska, Nataliia
Герцовська, Наталія Олексіївна
Raikhel, Anna Mykhaliivna
Райхель, Анна Михайлівна
Pekhno, Yuliia
Keywords: ESL Learners
Project-Based Learning
Student-centered learning
Learner autonomy
Active engagement
Collaborative learning
Cultural inclusivity
21st-century skills
Critical thinking in language learning
Issue Date: 2025
Abstract: Education is an essential element in equipping the next generation to confront the continually evolving future. Traditional learning methodologies in classroom education are dubious and insufficient in equipping pupils with the essential skills required to navigate the increasing complexities of contemporary life and society. Extensive study on learning methodologies has revealed new insights into Project-Based Learning. Project-Based Learning (PBL) is a student-centered pedagogical method that employs a dynamic classroom approach, enabling students to attain a profound understanding via the active study of real-world challenges and issues. Numerous studies have demonstrated that project-based training can offer English language learners opportunities for comprehensible output and integrated language acquisition. This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of Project-Based Learning (PBL) on students' English language proficiency and to examine students' opinions of PBL. The majority of participants concluded that PBL has enhanced their critical thinking abilities, independent study skills, personal and societal responsibility, and effective communication skills. The study's conclusions serve asa significant indication for ESL educators to implement Project-Based Learning as a pedagogical approach to improve students' English language proficiency.
Description: Hertsovska Nataliia, Raikhel Anna Mykhaliivna, Pekho Yuliia The impact of project-based learning on the formation of students' communicative competence / Hertsovska Nataliia, Raikhel Anna Mykhaliivna, Pekho Yuliia // Наука і техніка сьогодні. Серія "Педагогіка",Серія "Право", Серія "Економіка", Серія "Фізико-математичні науки", Серія "Техніка" : електронний журнал / гол.ред. Сопілко І.М. – Київ, 2025. – Вип. 1(42). – P. 444-458
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/12326
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