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DC mezőÉrtékNyelv
dc.contributor.authorBehun-Trachuk, L.-
dc.contributor.authorБегун-Трачук, Лариса Олександрівна-
dc.descriptionBehun-Trachuk, L. The category "professional burnout" the essense and characteristic / L. Behun-Trachuk // Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation : collected articles. - Warsaw, 2017. - P.100-107en_US
dc.description.abstractThe article is devoted to the problem of burnout as a destructive phenomenon in the work of university teachers. Three main approaches to the definition of professional burnout have been outlined. A generally accepted theory of viewing the structure of burnout as the one including the emotional debilitating, depersonalization process of personal achievement has been scrutinised. Main mental and physical symptoms and hallmarks of debilitation reflected in physical, psychological, and behavioral spheres of a teacher’s life have been identified. The article deals with a problem of professional burnout of staff. Considered occupational stress factor leading to the emergence of professional burnout and some views on the nature, symptoms, and consequences of professional burnout and exhaustion of energy in emotional and personal resources of the university teacher.en_US
dc.subjectuniversity teacheren_US
dc.subjectprofessional activityen_US
dc.titleThe category "professional burnout" the essense and characteristicen_US
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1. Collected articles. Publishing ANAGRAM; KRPOCH-100-107.pdfThe category "professional burnout" the essense and characteristic886.62 kBAdobe PDFMegtekintés/Megnyitás

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