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Title: Problems of periodis ation of pedagogical biography
Authors: Rozman, Iryna
Розман, Ірина Іллівна
Keywords: biography
tendency of development
methodological foundations
тенденція розвитку
методологічні засади
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Ужгород
Abstract: The purpose of the article is the productive interpretation of periodization as an instrument of knowledge, which helps to study the process of transformation of the original image of a particular object. To reveal the principles of periodization of biography, we used the method of analysis and synthesis, comparison, systematization and classification of the positions of pedagogical scientific sources of literature and the development of the problem under study. The very correct definition of the periodization of a certain branch of science gives the possibility to objectively formulate the purpose, ways of research and find out the significance and effectiveness of the hypothesis under research. It is noted that the investigated scientific aspect concerns the actual compulsory component of historical pedagogical and biographical research like periodization. Proceeding from the analysis of various scientific reflections of this phenomenon, we consider as adequate and interesting some allegorical consideration of periodization as a «basic design» of a certain scheme (skeleton, skeleton)», on which «the multiplicity of events» occurs as the results of cognitive activity in the form of «facts-knowledge». It is proved that in aggregate they give a certain image of the investigated phenomenon, which acts as an object of periodization - the object of knowledge. The emphasis is on the contemporary rapid take-off of biographical research and publications, and the growth of general interest in biographical knowledge. The fact that a person is studied in all the multidimensional, diverse interests and manifestations, in internal contradictions, often in the split of political, national, cultural self-determination, in the evolution of views and beliefs. It is emphasized that it is necessary to remember that in the Ukrainian past, there were a lot of extraordinary personalities among teachers in the pedagogical environment, whose fate and creative achievements have not been sufficiently studied. The focus is on the need to study factual materials of individuals of various political and linguistic and cultural orientations with specific world outlook, habits, circles of communication who helped and continue to help the development of pedagogical biography.
Description: Rozman Iryna. Problems of periodis ation of pedagogical biography / Iryna Rozman // Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету. Серія: "Педагогіка. Соціальна робота". -Ужгород 2019р. - Випуск 1(44). - С. 156-159
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/3389
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