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Titel: Pedagogical freedom of teacher in the context of the new ukrasnian scool
Autoren: Lalak, Natalia
Лалак, Наталія Володимирівна
Fenchak, Lubov
Фенчак, Любов Михайлівна
Stichwörter: new ukrainian school
professional activity
pedagogical freedom
pedagogical mobility
нова українська школа
професійна діяльність
педагогічна свобода
педагогічна мобільність
Erscheinungsdatum: 2019
Herausgeber: Prešov
Zusammenfassung: The article has been devoted to the problem of professional formation of the modern teacher of the Ukrainian school. Educational normative documents have emphasized the new role of the teacher: he is not just a mentor and source of knowledge, but a facilitator and moderator in the individual educational path of the child. The authors of the article have analyzed a new professional standard for primary school teachers. It has been found that teachers in Ukraine can prepare their own author's curriculums, choose alternative textbooks, methods, strategies, methods and means of teaching, make adjustments to the process of evaluating the educational achievements of junior pupils and actively express their own professional opinion. The authors of the article have revealed the functions of a modern teacher, have substantiated the basic principles, factors influencing the formation of his pedagogical freedom.
Beschreibung: Lalak N. Pedagogical freedom of teacher in the context of the new ukrasnian scool / N. Lalak, L. Fenchak // Premeny školy a učiteľské vzdelávanie v historickom kontexte a nové perspektívy. Zborník príspevkov z vedeckej konferencie s medzinárodnou účasťou organizovanej Pedagogickou fakultou Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove pri príležitosti 70. výročia založenia Pedagogickej fakulty v Prešove. - Prešov 6. – 7. február 2019. - Р. 256-262
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Статті

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