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Title: Professional competence of future economists in the region
Authors: Liba, Natalia
Ліба, Наталія Степанівна
Chernychko, Tetiana
Черничко, Тетяна Володимирівна
Rybchak, Vitalii
Keywords: competence
competency approach
professional competence
educational process
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: The formation of professional competences of modern economists requires from the educational institution, from the teachers fundamentally new approaches in professional education: the integration of pedagogical, economic and entrepreneurial knowledge, skills and abilities. The aim of the study is to analyze modern approaches to the formulation of the concept of »competence«, to find out the components of professional competence for the preparation of future economists. General scientific methods of research have been applied: induction and deduction, refinement and classification. The modern approaches to the formulation of the concept of »competence« have been analyzed in the article. Historical and terminological analysis of its essence made it possible to find out the components, the structure of professional competence. Special attention has been paid to the content of key and substantive competence. The formation of professional competence of economists must be carried out taking into account the modern requirements in the field of education, educational programs of the specialty. Thus, a highly skilled economist one can become due to a high motivational indicator, confidence in the correct selection of the future kind of activity, the desire to acquire as much information professional material and its transformation into knowledge, which will lead to professionalism in the process of the vocational practice. In the subsequent research, we will substantiate the process of forming the competitiveness of future economists.
Description: LibaNatalia Professional competence of future economists in the region / Natalia Liba, Tetiana Chernychko, Vitalii Rybchak // Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny. Journal of Tourism and Regional Development . - 2019, No. 12. - Р. 59-64
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/5103
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