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Title: The development of monitoring devices in the „Man-Clothes” system based on modern microcontrollers
Authors: Molnar, Alexander
Молнар, О.
Gerasimov, Vitaly
Герасимов, Віталій Вікторович
Kurytnik, Igor Piotr
Курітник, Ігор Петро
Keywords: smart clothes
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Варшава
Abstract: In this paper the design of an experimental sample of a portable electronic device for assessment of the basic parameters of the „Man-Clothes” System based on modern wireless microcontroller technology has been discussed and suggested. The mobile measuring system based on TI MSP430 microcontrollers to track the parameters of “smart clothes” has been presented.
Description: Molnar Alexander The development of monitoring devices in the "Man-Clothes" system based on modern microcontrollers / Alexander Molnar, Vitaliy Gerasimov, Igor-Piotr Kurytnic // Poimary Automatyka Robotyka PAR : kwartalnik naukovo-techniczny. – Warszawa, 2016. – №2(220). – C.11-15
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/5239
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