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dc.contributor.authorMashika, H.-
dc.contributor.authorМашіка, Ганна Василівна-
dc.contributor.authorDavydenko, I.-
dc.contributor.authorДавиденко, І.-
dc.contributor.authorOlshanska, O.-
dc.contributor.authorОльшанська, О.-
dc.contributor.authorSydorov, Y.-
dc.contributor.authorСидоров, Я.-
dc.contributor.authorKomarnitskyi, I.-
dc.contributor.authorКомарницький, І.-
dc.contributor.authorLypnytska, Y.-
dc.contributor.authorЛипницька, Є.-
dc.descriptionMashika H. Modelling of development of ecological tourism / H. Mashika, I. Davydenko, O. Olshanska, Y. Sydorov, I. Komarnitskyi, Y. Lypnytska // International journal of scientific & Technology research, 2020. - Volume 9, Issue 04. - P. 683-688en_US
dc.description.abstractCurrently, special attention in the economy of developed countries is paid to the development of ecological tourism services. This is one of the forms of outdoor activities, where a person not only restores his health but also receives aesthetic pleasure, observing flora and fauna of the environment. The purpose of ecotourism is the rational use of nature in the tourist direction to ensure the environmental safety of the future generation and its stable development. To recognize ecotourism, the following requirements must be met: the service provided must be environmentally friendly, the transport service of tourists environmentally friendly, drinking and food products must be environmentally friendly and healthy, which must contain local products, qualified guides must accompany tourists to places of interest. The paper analyzes the three-factor model "Economics – Ecology – Social", in which the socio-cultural factor is added to economic and environmental indicators. To illustrate multidimensional qualitative variables an oriented graph is conveniently used in work, in which the vertices are a set of scenarios, and the directional arrows are possible transitions between scenarios. The described qualitative model is a flexible modelling tool and allows you to analyze the development of systems that have exceptional properties or are strongly influenced by qualitative factors. The tourism industry is a complex object consisting of various subsystems, the functioning of which depends on many external factors. These factors are sometimes almost impossible to quantify but can be qualitatively assessed, i.e. evaluate the impact of qualitative factors on quantitative indicators and how they are interrelated. Qualitative modelling is a formalized logical thinking algorithm that allows you to create a simulation model of an integrated systemen_US
dc.subjectecological tourismen_US
dc.subjectthree-factor modelen_US
dc.subjectecological tourismen_US
dc.subjectenvironmental safetyen_US
dc.subjecttourism industryen_US
dc.subjectекологічний туризмen_US
dc.subjectтрифакторна модельen_US
dc.subjectекологічний туризмen_US
dc.subjectекологічна безпекаen_US
dc.subjectтуристична галузьen_US
dc.titleModelling of development of ecological tourismen_US
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