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Title: Development of innovative technologies for designformation of women's hats from fabric in lawe
Authors: Matviichuk, Svetlana
Матвійчук, Світлана
Boksha, Nataliia
Бокша, Наталія
Keywords: women's hats
жіночі шапки
formation of the details from the fabric
формування деталей з тканини
methods of formation
методи формування
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: МДУ
Abstract: The article is devoted to the development of innovative technologies of design-forming of women's hats from fabrics in a special working environment. It is suggested to use water as a working environment, which creates a different forming effort. Seven original methods of hydroforming with the use of LAWE have been developed to ensure the quality design-formation of the three-dimensional parts of women's fabric hats. To test and implement the developed methods, appropriate experimental equipment is designed and features of its work are given. Based on the experimental studies, it is determined the optimal parameters for forming volumetric details of women's hats for each method. Examples of formed hats on the specified equipment are given. The prospects of further researches for work improvement of the developed equipment are offered.
Description: Matviichuk S. Development of innovative technologies for designformation of women's hats from fabric in lawe // Matviichuk S., N. Boksha, N.Kushevskiy, O.Yakymchuk, R.Romanenko, O.Polishchuk, O.Palienko, S. Lozovenko, L. Bilotska, O. Vodzinska // Fibres and Textiles (3). - 2020 - С. 103-110
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/7414
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Development_of_innovative_technologies_for_designformation_of_women's_hats_from_fabric_in_lawe.pdfРозробка інноваційних технологій дизайнерського формування жіночих головних уборів із тканини в законі1.17 MBAdobe PDFMegtekintés/Megnyitás

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