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Titel: Reflection of the personality-oriented approach by the subjects of its implementation in eastern Europe
Autoren: Zdanevych, Larysa V.
Зладенич, Лариса В.
Kharkivska, Alla A.
Харківська, Алла А.
Popovych, Oksana M.
Попович, Оксана Михайлівна
Bobyrieva, Olena S.
Бобирєва, Олена Сергіївна
Kovrei, Dora Y.
Коврей, Дора Ю.
Stichwörter: motivation
еducational сonditions
умови навчання
рersonal рreferences
особисті уподобання
рersonal еducational рroject
особиста освіта проект
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020
Herausgeber: МДУ
Zusammenfassung: The article deals with the study of the assessment of personality-oriented approach by the subjects of its implementation in the formation of pedagogical professionalism in higher educational institutions in Eastern Europe, where such an approach is still considered innovative. Students and teachers of physical education faculties were selected as the reference group. The main objective is to clarify the relationship between the classical principles of personality-oriented approach and its reflection by the subjects of the educational process. A remote survey of students and teachers of physical education faculties helped identify a number of universities, regional and personal advantages in using a personality-oriented approach.
Beschreibung: Popovych O. M. Reflection of the personality-oriented approach by the subjects of its implementation in eastern Europe / O. M.Popovych, L. V. Zdanevych, A. A. Kharkivska, O. S. Bobyrieva, D.Y. Kovrei // Rev. Tempos Espaços Educ. v.13, n. 32, e-14967, jan./dez., 2020. - С. 1-20
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Статті

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