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Название: Requirements of readiness of the teacher for innovative activity in the context of formation of his professional competence
Авторы: Pishchanska, Viktoriia
Khlystun, Olena
Tyurina, Valentyna
Tomashevska, Myroslava
Томашевська, Мирослава Олегівна
Kvasetska, Yaryna
Dobrovolska, Rufina
Ключевые слова: Innovative teaching
Higher education
Teaching technology
інноваційне навчання
вища освіта
викладання технології
Дата публикации: 2021
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The methodological basis of the article is the main ideas systemic, systemic-thought-activity, competence-based and synergetic approaches, which allow considering the teacher's innovative competence as an integral professional and personal, a characteristic that determines the quality of activity, reflecting personal, theoretical and practical readiness to introduce innovations (i.e., to develop and implement fundamentally new images of content and learning technologies) and is expressed in the ability to successfully act in constantly updated professional environment.
Описание: Requirements of readiness of the teacher for innovative activity in the context of formation of his professional competence / V. Pishchanska, Olena Khlystun, Valentyna Tyurina, Myroslava Tomashevska, Yaryna Kvasetska, Rufina Dobrovolska // Laplage em Revista (International). - vol.7, n. 3, Sept. - Dec. 2021. - Р. 324-329
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://localhost:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/8539
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті

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