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dc.contributor.authorDudikova, Larysa-
dc.contributor.authorHnatyk, Katalin-
dc.contributor.authorГнатюк, К.-
dc.contributor.authorFodor, Kateryna-
dc.contributor.authorФедор, К.-
dc.contributor.authorDidenko, Oleksandr-
dc.contributor.authorLuzan, Petro-
dc.descriptionDudikova, L. Research of Ethical Competence of Future Doctors at Medical Universities / Dudikova, L., Melnychuk, I., Hnatyk, K., Fodor, K., Didenko, O., & Luzan, P. // Postmodern Openings. - Vol. 12 No. 3 (2021). - Р. 311-335uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article reveals a study of the ethical competence formation of students at medical universities. This competence includes theoretical knowledge of professional ethics, professional and ethical value orientations, moral and personal qualities and practical skills of a doctor in the professional activity. Formation of ethical competence provides for the doctor’s conscious ethical behavior in accordance with professional and ethical standards, as well as the need for professional and ethical self-improvement throughout life. The results of the study allowed to establish the availability of reserves to improve the quality of future doctors’ training and formation of their ethical competence. Taking into account the trends of globalization of the educational sphere, the impact of postmodernism on the formation and development of value orientations of student youth, the emergence of new forms of ethical values, etc., it is assumed that the this competence formation will be effective if at different stages of students’ training at medical universities there will be introduced pedagogical conditions that enhance functioning of the main subsystems of the educational process. These stages correspond to the peculiarities of students’ professional and personal development during different years of study and in view of their cognitive abilities. Experimental verification of the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions for the formation of future doctors’ ethical competence at medical universities confirmed the validity of the research hypothesis. At the same time summarizing of the research results revealed certain influence of the tendencies of traditionalism, universalism and pragmatic motives on the future doctors’ value-motivational sphere.uk_UA
dc.subjectethical competenceuk_UA
dc.subjectfuture doctorsuk_UA
dc.subjectpedagogical conditionsuk_UA
dc.subjectmedical universitiesuk_UA
dc.subjectvalue orientationsuk_UA
dc.subjectетична компетентністьuk_UA
dc.subjectмайбутні лікаріuk_UA
dc.subjectпедагогічні умовиuk_UA
dc.subjectмедичні університетиuk_UA
dc.subjectціннісні орієнтаціїuk_UA
dc.titleResearch of Ethical Competence of Future Doctors at Medical Universitiesuk_UA
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