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Название: Preparation of future teachers of foreign literature for the formation of students of subject competencies
Авторы: Rozman, Iryna
Розман, Ірина Іллівна
Ключевые слова: subject competence
foreign literature
senior classes
future teachers of foreign literature
предметна компетентність
зарубіжна література
старші класи
майбутні вчителі зарубіжної літератури
Дата публикации: 2021
Издательство: Івано-Франківськ
Краткий осмотр (реферат): Extremely popular and important was the expression that we get knowledge for life. Modern conditions of socio political life have changed the wording “education for life” to “education as long as life”. It is not enough to get a "baggage of knowledge" and be content with it. The pace of development of our life is so rapid that it is necessary to constantly engage in self-development, study foreign languages, information technologies, use the experience and advice of works of art in a new perspective: rethinking the need to develop competencies that we did not think about when reading literary works at school or higher educational institution. Now we are paying attention to the knowledge component, the active component and the value component. We read the work, identified the topic, idea, system of images, used comparative characteristics, chronological tables. Then logical schemes began to appear-notes, comparative analysis, audiobooks, presentations. Life shows that the requirements of the modern system and new approaches to the development of education are due to the fact that in a modern integrated community, both schoolchildren and students can no longer study in isolation, limiting themselves to a traditional rather closed society: teachers, friends, family. Telecommunications open windows to the wider world. Students get access to the richest information resources of networks, the opportunity to choose the necessary material in addition to what is available in the textbook. The task of the teacher is to form key competencies over the years of training-to teach students to select the necessary information, evaluate their quality, show selectivity in their consumption, form the ability to find the required data. As a rule, in the process of learning, students form, first of all, empirical thinking, concepts are presented in a ready-to memorize form, the process of their formation is not conscious, students do not master a method of action that would allow them to independently apply knowledge in practice.
Описание: Rozman I. Preparation of future teachers of foreign literature for the formation of students of subject competencies / Iryna Rozman // Гірська школа. Українських Карпат: наукове фахове видання з педагогічних наук. - Івано-Франківськ 2021. - № 25. - С. 98-101
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/8888
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті

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