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Название: Development of hydro-centrifugal method of forming womens headwear
Авторы: Kushevskiy, Nikolay
Misiats, Vladimir
Dromenko, Valeria
Дроменко, В.
Yalovyi, Vitalii
Matviichuk, Svetlana
Yakovets, Inna
Merezhko, Nina
Osyka, Viktor
Forostyana, Ninel
Vasylenko, Viktoria
Ключевые слова: hydro-centrifugal forming method
women's hats
methods of formation
coefficient of form stability
women’s headwear
гідроцентробежний метод формування
жіночі головні убори
методи формування
коефіцієнт стійкості форми
головні убори жіночі
Дата публикации: 2021
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The article is devoted to the development of a new hydro-centrifugal method of forming the heads of women's headwear from fabrics of suit and coat assortment. As a working environment, it is proposed to use a liquid-active working environment (LAWE) for the formation of complex spatial forms. Theoretical substantiation of the formation method is performed by developing a physical model of the process. A method, technique and equipment for hydro-centrifugal formation of women's headwear have been developed. The research of the method by conducting one-factor and multifactor experiments was performed and the optimal parameters of formation were established. The influence of main input factors on the quality of formation of headwear parts was investigated. The adequate mathematical models of the second order of formation process were obtained. The rational parameters of the hydro-centrifugal forming process, in which the best quality of formation is achieved, were identified for each fabric.
Описание: Kushevskiy N. Development of hydro-centrifugal method of forming womens headwear / N. Kushevskiy, V. Misiats, V. Dromenko, V. Yalovyi, S. Matviichuk, I. Yakovets // Fibres and Textiles. - 28 (4). - Р. 36-47
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/8932
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті

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