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Название: Methods for Modelling the Process of Training Future Teachers in the Context of Implementing a Quality Management System in Higher Education Institutions
Авторы: Korbozerova, Nina
Kobal, Vasyl
Кобаль, Василь Іванович
Resler, Maryna
Реслер, Марина Василівна
Veremchuk, Olena
Веремчук, Олена Володимирівна
Chovriy, Sofiya
Ключевые слова: methodological training of future teachers
professional immersion
professional qualifications
professional competence
quality management system of education
integrative approach
competence approach
методична підготовка майбутніх учителів
професійне занурення
професійна кваліфікація
професійна компетентність
система управління якістю освіти
інтегративний підхід
компетентнісний підхід
Дата публикации: 2022
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The purpose of the article is to identify and reveal different approaches to the concept of teaching future teachers quality teaching based on the analysis of Ukrainian and foreign studies. The leading methods of research of this issue are methods of analysis, deduction and induction, comparison and generalisation, which will help to distinguish the signs, comprehensively study the professional competencies, skills that make up the personality of future teachers in higher education institutions, demonstrating aspects and methods of actual development of pedagogical competencies and qualities of students based on the development of the higher education system and its quality. The article reveals and demonstrates the problem of preparing future teachers for pedagogical interaction and high-quality teaching through scientific generalisation of theoretical and practical foundations, methodological development of the effectiveness of methods; describes the educational and methodological support for information training of students and teachers; substantiates the processes of modernisation in the education system, which are systematically studied; states ideas for improving the content of the educational process and training of future teachers based on the use of innovative technologies during training; systematises the methodology for modelling the quality management system of education in higher educational institutions. The materials of our article are of practical and theoretical value for students, future teachers, teachers who want to improve the level of their professional qualifications, promote productive development in pedagogical activities, and for scientists and educational figures who study the qualitative implementation of the quality management system of education in the pedagogical sphere.
Описание: Korbozerova Nina Methods for Modelling the Process of Training Future Teachers in the Context of Implementing a Quality Management System in Higher Education Institutions / Nina Korbozerova, Vasyl Kobal, Maryna Resler, Olena Veremchuk, Sofiya Chovriy // Journal of Curriculum and Teaching. - Vol. 11, No. 3; Special Issue, 2022. - Р. 84-94
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/8940
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті

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Methods_ for_ Modelling_ the _Process _of_ Training_ Future_ Teachers_ in _the_ Context_ of_ Implementing _a _Quality_ Management _System_ in_ Higher _Education_ Institutions.pdfMethods for Modelling the Process of Training Future Teachers in the Context of Implementing a Quality Management System in Higher Education Institutions819.7 kBAdobe PDFПросмотреть/Открыть

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