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Title: Self-education culture of future music teachers: diagnostic and formative methods
Authors: Savchenko-Shlapak, Yuliia
Savchenko, Rehina
Lendiel-Syarkevich, Antonina
Ленд'єл-Сяркевич, Антоніна Антонівна
Strohal, Tetyana
Pavliuk, Yuliia
Keywords: culture of self-educational activity
vocal and choral training
formation methodology
criteria and levels of formation
future teacher of musical art.
культура самоосвітньої діяльності
вокально-хорове навчання
методика формування
критерії та рівні сформованості,
майбутній вчитель музичного мистецтва
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: The article highlights the results of an experimental study on the formation of a culture of self-education of future music teachers in vocal and choral training. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the developed methodology for the formation of a culture of self-education of future teachers of musical art in the process of studying vocal and choral disciplines. The study was carried out by the method of paired comparisons, based on the results of which a scale of comparative assessments was built in the control and experimental groups. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is confirmed by the results of statistical processing of experimental data. Criteria for monitoring the formation of a culture of self-education of future teachers of musical art in vocal and choral training are indicated. The effectiveness of the applied technique was assessed by a series of tests comparing the results at the ascertaining and formative stages of the study. The authors argue that the data of the formative experiment showed significant positive changes in the levels of formation of the culture of self-education of future teachers of musical art according to all the established criteria.
Description: Savchenko-Shlapak, Y. Self-education culture of future music teachers: diagnostic and formative methods / Savchenko-Shlapak, Y., Savchenko, R., Lendiel-Syarkevich, A., Strohal, T., & Pavliuk, Y. // Amazonia Investiga. - 11(51). - Р. 129-139.
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/8971
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