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Title: Defining the Postmodern Aspect of the Social Factor of Language Variation
Authors: Vukolova, Kateryna
Depchynska, Ivetta
Hertsovska, Nataliia
Герцовська, Наталія Олексіївна
Cherniaieva, Irina
Loskutova, Nataliia
Vasylko, Zoryana
Keywords: gender category
intercultural communication
social status
age categories of speakers
deviations from norms
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: The article highlights the trends of the present world, the informatization of society, the intensive development of innovative technologies entails a rethinking of values in art and language environment. Learning a language certainly includes considering a whole range of external circumstances in which it really develops and actively functions: the society that uses the language, its social structure, age difference between native speakers, social status, level of culture and education, place of residence, as well as differences in their speech behavior depending on the language situation. The relevance of the study is determined by the change in human consciousness during the postmodern cultural era, a feature of which is the rethinking of values, the definition of specific trends in the philosophical essence of the postmodern. The study presents the theoretical foundations of postmodern reflection in the social manifestation of speech. Postmodern forms a value attitude to progress as a single unchanging constant, formed throughout historical development. The article examines the conditions of equality of social factors between men and women who choose different strategies of speech behavior, manifested in the models of text construction, use of linguistic means, associations arising in both sexes as one of the aspects of postmodern semantic representation. In the course of the study the concept of "ethnicity" is defined, replacing the concept of "ethnos" and denoting the existence of separate ethnic groups. The study is based on the method of analysis and synthesis, the research, descriptive and scientific method was used to determine the postmodern aspect of the social factor of language variation. The results of the study are the basis for determining the social factor of speech in the context of postmodern society.
Description: Defining the Postmodern Aspect of the Social Factor of Language Variation / Vukolova, K., Depchynska, I., Hertsovska, N., Cherniaieva, I., Loskutova, N., & Vasylko, Z. // BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience. - (2023).14(1). - Р. 475-499
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/9770
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