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Title: Methodical Approaches to the Assessment of Relationships Between the Parameters of the Transport Potential of Ukraine
Authors: Stehnei, Marianna
Стегней, Маріанна Іванівна
Irtyshcheva, Inna
Kramarenko, Iryna
Boiko, Yevheniia
Nadtochii, Iryna
Sirenko, Ihor
Hryshyna, Nataliya
Ishchenko, Olena
Keywords: transport potential
transport system
systematic methods
correlation equations
economic and mathematical modeling
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: The article's purpose is to justify methodological approaches to assessing relationships between the parameters of Ukraine's transport potential. Methodical approaches to the evaluation of the relationships between the parameters of the transport potential of Ukraine based on the interpretation of the "transport potential" category are proposed by distinguishing its main parameters - resource provision and functioning results, between which there is a relationship, namely: the level of resource provision forms the functioning results. We suggest that resource support be characterized by statistical indicators that reflect material, human, and investment resources, and the development of functioning by the value measurement of the volume of products sold by the type of economic activity "Transport, warehousing, postal and courier activities". A correlation dependence between the importance of actually produced products in the transport system and the corresponding indicators of resource provision has been proven. It has been proven that capital investments have the greatest influence on the increase in the value of the results of the functioning of the transport sector. The functional form of the constructed correlation levels creates an economic-mathematical assessment of the actual state of the impact of material, human, and investment resources on the results of the functioning of the transport sector. Also, it makes it possible to structure resources to achieve the desired result and form forecasts of the development of the transport sector. Proposed methodical approaches with the possibility of further growth in the direction of developing mechanisms for stimulating the gradual modernization of the transport system of Ukraine, which will be especially relevant in the post-war reconstruction of the country's infrastructure and economy. It was emphasized that Ukraine needs to improve the state policy on transport. In particular, it is necessary to create conditions for effective control over the level of performance of executive authorities' powers to ensure transport's functioning. To fulfill the tasks of the National Transport Strategy of Ukraine for the period until 2030, in particular, to improve the systems for collecting and analyzing statistical data on the development of transport in Ukraine.
Description: Methodical Approaches to the Assessment of Relationships Between the Parameters of the Transport Potential of Ukraine / Stehnei Marianna, Irtyshcheva Inna, Kramarenko Iryna, Boiko Yevheniia, Nadtochii Iryna, Sirenko Ihor, Hryshyna Nataliya, Ishchenko Olena // Internatioanl Conference on Science, Engineering Management and Information Technology (SEMIT 2022) September 08 - 09. - 2022 – Ankara, Turkey. - Р. 141-150
Appears in Collections:Статті

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